Τετάρτη 26 Ιουνίου 2019

Young raped, tortured and beaten by a Muslim refugee in Sweden

CAUTION: The article contains images that can affect you emotionally.

UPDATE: The raped girl, terribly tortured and murdered by Islamists, seems to sympathize with RAPEfugatives - she was very interested in their fate, was a supporter of the immigrants in Sweden, and besides, she called itself a multicurally convinced. In the past, I was reading an article about a similar case in the past, a young woman (22 years old), also from Sweden, killed a month ago by a young Muslim, the woman was working in a center for caring for Muslims (RAPEfugia) and trying to separate two young men who had taken the fight. Normally, it ended up being killed - the article is found here (click).

Article on raped and murdered young woman in Sweden:

(Source: recentnews.ro):

    Muslim refugees are wreaking havoc in Europe. In the name of their religion, the Qur'an, Muslims violate women, humiliate them, mock and often kill them in terrible torment. A young woman from Sweden was the victim of a group of Muslims, eager to dominate women just like in the Middle East.

    Elin, a young Swedish woman, has found her end in a terrible way. The young woman was raped and beaten to death by a Muslim refugee who arrived in Sweden.

    The young woman was kidnapped from the street, taken to a forest near a Swedish village, where the Muslim raped her, tortured her, and then killed her.

    The young man's body was hidden by the Muslim, under stones in a forest. The Swedish press reports that Muslims commit these atrocities in the name of the Koran, which would encourage them to rape women in the countries they "conquer". The rape of women thus becomes a reward for Muslims.

    In Arab countries, rape is the order of the day, it is part of the daily, because women have no right and can not oppose.

Islamic death does not choose: Elin Krantz was a multiculturalist:

(Source: solidaritateeuropeana.wordpress.com)

    The murderous crime, which you can see in the picture below, took place in Sweden. Elin Krantz was a member of a facebook group, "We Love Diversity," a self-titled "multicultural" and a supporter of immigration into Sweden of those in the third world.

    There are options that probably changed over the few minutes they had before it was brutally murdered. But unfortunately for her, too late. On the day of her death, Elin was on the same tram with her murderer, to the surroundings of Hisingen.

    Shortly thereafter, Elin was found raped and murdered. The murderer, a 23-year-old African, allegedly living in the United States, was arrested pretty soon and accused of aggravating rape.

    This case should have been exemplary for supporters and supporters of massive migration. Unfortunately, it was not. Swedish women fled afterwards in public and declared their love for rapists and hatred of racists. For them and for all the other women of Europe, let us pray to God that the Islamization of Europe will not occur.

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